

Friday MBS Courier

Happy Friday MTG folks,

Some interesting things afoot today. We have a strongly indication from BDM at WoTC that the new Tezzeret variant may indeed be expected as a new Planeswalker in the upcoming Magic the Gathering set, Mirrodin Besieged. Well not quite a hard confirmation, but still - check out this billboard near the Makuhari Messe convention, home to the MTG World Championship 2010 tour in Chiba, Japan, where gamers are battling in epic games. We hope to get off to you a few of the winning deck lists in a latter post.

BDM says, ". . . a towering banner for the event featuring a familiar—but disturbingly different—face. Perhaps his identity will be revealed in a soon to be released expansion?"

Some new Mirrodin Besieged spoiler / preview arts on the Mirrodin site as well for you . . .

First up is the Bonehoard Wallpaper. Yeah, we read 'Bonehead' at first and snarffed some coffee out our nose. Anywhoos, it appears like another Phyrexian type necro-construct illustrated by Chippy.


The second preview up is a an art titled Koth's Courier, a scantily-clad vulshok.

The story behind the courier is that Koth has tasked her to find Sylvok and Viridian survivors in the Tangle and conduct them to the safety of the Kuldotha tunnels. The courier, named Trinist, discovers the ruins of the once-mighty Tel-Jilad 'Tree of Tales' and encounters Thrun, the last troll who provides a cryptic message before disappearing into the forest.

And finally of note -

MTG Mint Card is running a very cool contest right now . . . drop by their Facebook page now, navigate over to the FREE Fire! tab and register - three lucky entrants will score a Fire & Lightning Premium Deck. This is running until 20th December.

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