

SoM Spoiler 7-19

Good Day folks,

We know that the Magic 2011 Core Set was just officially launched this past weekend and we should really be posting about some of the new cards hitting a game table near you but today we are looking on the horizon and have an early Scars of Mirrodin spoiler instead. Let's have a looky-see . . .

We have this product image from the recently released July 2010 Wizards of the Coast Catalogue.

Yes, we know, really blurry and not much detail to pull out - but don't worry, the two Joes from Yo!MTGTaps posted another image of higher quality where one can almost make out what colours the Scars of Mirrodin Intro Packs will be.

We have some teaser blurb from this upcoming set . . .

The Corrosion Has Begun
The metal plane of Mirrodin shines under the light of fve suns . . . but dark forces have begun to assemble. Which side will you command?

umm - interesting. Anywhoos - here for your reference is an excerpt from the recent catalog.

MTG July 2010 Catalog

Requisite information . . .

Set Name : Scars of Mirrodin
Block Set 1 of 3 in the Scars of Mirrodin block
Three-Letter Abbreviation SOM
Number of Cards 249
Release Date : October 1, 2010
Prerelease Events : September 25-26, 2010
Launch Parties : October 1-3, 2010


That's all for now, stay tuned - we'll get back on track tomorrow and return our attention to M11 to hopefully get you on top of your casual game. In the mean-time, we suggest winging on over to MTG Mint Card to drool over this foil Primeval Titan and foil Baneslayer Angel.


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