

M11 Intro Pack Contents

Today on Wizard's Magic Arcana, we were finally filled in on the Magic 2011 Intro Pack Contents. These are great products if you are getting into the game or even if you just want to duel a buddy at your local gamery store. The beauty of it is that you can always score more cards and pimp your deck. Let's have a look at each M11 Intro Pack content . . .
*Don't forget to check out the completed M11 Visual Spoiler >HERE

/ Deck : Blades of Victory /

Command an army of knights and soldiers and slice through the opposition using this deck of righteous power. With angels at your side and Angelic Arbiter at the forefront of the battle, can victory be far behind?

Land - 25
16 Plains, 9 Swamp

Creatures - 19
2 Ajani's Pridemate, 1 Angelic Arbiter, 2 Cloud Crusader, 2 Elite Vanguard, 2 Infantry Veteran, 2 Palace Guard, 2 Serra Angel, 2 Siege Mastodon, 1 Silvercoat Lion, 1 Vengeful Archon, 1 War Priest of Thune, 1 White Knight

Other Spells - 16
1 Ajani's Mantra, 2 Armored Ascension, 1 Assassinate, 1 Condemn, 1 Doom Blade, 1 Duress, 2 Inspired Charge, 1 Mighty Leap, 1 Mind Rot, 2 Pacifism, 1 Safe Passage, 1 Stabbing Pain, 1 Warlord's Axe

/ Deck : Power of Prophecy /

Seize control of your opponents’ forces, manipulate the flow of battle, and leave your opposition confused and disoriented. Gain knowledge of the future and use Conundrum Sphinx to hasten your foretold dominance.

Land - 25
16 Island, 9 Plains

Creatures - 20
2 Æther Adept, 2 Air Servant, 1 Armored Cancrix, 2 Augury Owl, 1 Azure Drake, 1 Blinding Mage, 2 Cloud Elemental, 1 Conundrum Sphinx, 1 Harbor Serpent, 2 Maritime Guard, 1 Scroll Thief, 1 Stormtide Leviathan, 1 Wall of Frost, 2 Water Servant

Other spells - 15
1 Condemn, 1 Crystal Ball, 2 Foresee, 2 Jace's Ingenuity, 1 Mighty Leap, 1 Mind Control, 2 Negate, 1 Pacifism, 1 Safe Passage, 2 Sleep, 1 Solemn Offering

/ Deck : Reign of Vampirism /

Unleash a horde of the undead! As your army of vampires descends upon your opponent, your Captivating Vampire will boost your odds of victory.

Land - 25
9 Forest, 16 Swamp

Creatures - 20
3 Barony Vampire, 3 Bloodthrone Vampire, 1 Captivating Vampire, 3 Child of Night, 1 Giant Spider, 2 Howling Banshee, 2 Reassembling Skeleton, 1 Royal Assassin, 1 Spined Wurm, 3 Viscera Seer

Other spells - 15
2 Corrupt, 1 Cultivate, 2 Diabolic Tutor, 2 Doom Blade, 1 Giant Growth, 1 Naturalize, 1 Nature's Spiral, 2 Quag Sickness, 2 Rise from the Grave, 1 Sorcerer's Strongbox

/ Deck : Breath of Fire /

Play with fire and burn your opponent with this deck packed with direct damage. Heat things up to a fever pitch with Ancient Hellkite, a big flier with one thing in mind: ending the game.

Land - 25
9 Island, 16 Mountain

Creatures - 20
1 Ancient Hellkite, 1 Augury Owl, 2 Berserkers of Blood Ridge, 1 Canyon Minotaur, 2 Chandra's Spitfire, 1 Cyclops Gladiator, 1 Earth Servant, 2 Ember Hauler, 2 Fiery Hellhound, 1 Fire Servant, 1 Goblin Piker, 2 Goblin Tunneler, 2 Prodigal Pyromancer 1 Stone Golem

Other spells - 15
1 Call to Mind, 3 Chandra's Outrage, 1 Fireball, 1 Foresee, 2 Lava Axe, 3 Lightning Bolt , 1 Negate, 1 Preordain, 1 Shiv's Embrace, 1 Unsummon

/ Deck : Stampede of Beasts /

Summon monstrous beasts, wurms, and hydras, and use them to stomp your opponent’s forces like insects. Then cast Overwhelming Stampede to give your forces a lethal boost of power.

Land - 24
16 Forest, 8 Mountain

Creatures - 22
2 Awakener Druid, 2 Duskdale Wurm, 2 Garruk's Packleader, 2 Giant Spider, 1 Greater Basilisk, 2 Llanowar Elves, 2 Prized Unicorn, 1 Protean Hydra, 2 Runeclaw Bear, 1 Sacred Wolf, 1 Spined Wurm, 2 Sylvan Ranger, 2 Yavimaya Wurm

Other spells - 14
1 Act of Treason, 1 Back to Nature, 1 Chandra's Outrage, 1 Cultivate, 1 Fireball, 1 Fling, 2 Giant Growth, 1 Lava Axe, 1 Lightning Bolt, 1 Nature's Spiral, 1 Overwhelming Stampede, 1 Plummet, 1 Whispersilk Cloak

That's all for now, stay tuned for more of the same MTG goodness.

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