



Wizards of the Coast Staff made surprise visits to several stores (Doyle­ston / PA, Cincin­nati / OH, Seat­tle / WA and ???) to participate in a special Friday Night Magic. The surprise - Pizza . . . and Rise of the Eldrazi spoilers! It appears that Tom Lapille, Aaron Forsythe and others) had brought Rise of the Eldrazi IntroPacks - just like MTG Christmas but only on April 9th.

As a result of this event as well as a great deal of other spoilers and number-crunching on the forums, we have been able to push our MTG Realm Rise of the Eldrazi Spoiler list up to 172/248 - nice!

Here is a collection of some images taken at these special events . . .

click to enlarge dude -

That's it for now, we may post a few other shots taken here latter.

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