

RoE Sealed Products

Just another quick post today folks,

We would like to do a round-up of all the sealed product packaging Wizards had posted so far this week in the Magic Arcana as part of the big ramp up to the Rise of the Eldrazi Spoilers and Previews. We will have a look at the very cool arts on Booster Packs, Intro Packs and Fat Packs.

But first, before we get to that, here is a piece of total randomness - looking over all the awesome Rise of the Eldrazi creature artwork, why are there no Moose ? (we have Elk and Antelope)

I was reminiscing and looking at some old photos when I came across this one . . . yep - that's a baby Moose in the back seat. Her mother was unfortunately killed in an vehicle accident but she had escaped with only minor injuries. So, thinking out loud here - baby Moose are pretty damn cute (and dangerous) - so why no Moose Wizards - can we get one in within the next block please ?

Well, anywhoos - let's get back on topic . . .

Make sure you check out these killer arts on Rise of the Eldrazi sealed product . . .

Rise of the Eldrazi Intro Packs - 09 March 2010

Rise of the Eldrazi Booster Packs - 10 March 2010

Rise of the Eldrazi Fat Packs - 11 March 2010

That's it for now folks, tune in latter for more wild randomness.

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