

Rise of the Eldrazi Spoiler 3-08

Hello again fellow MTG phreaks. Right now were we reside, its warm 'n' sunny, the snow banks are finally melting, and we are digging some very kewl Rise of the Eldrazi art featuring some fantastic art. We're not certain whether any of this art will make it onto a card for the next set but will be most certainly be available on playmats through several Magic the Gathering distributors.

Sooo - if you folks have not yet seen, check it out . . .

This awesome playmat is featuring what is obviously the new Jace variant, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, who appears to be doing battle against one of the newly arisen / awoken Eldrazi, our multiverse's newest threat. This particular Eldrazi reminds us of Cthulhu (Cthulhu is a fictional cosmic entity created by horror author H. P. Lovecraft in 1926). Mr. Eldrazi's spaghetti appendages appears to be disintegrating into rune-covered floppy circuit boards . . . very groovy and trippy.

Next up -

Here we have one of Zendikar's Angel's chatting with another wild-looking Eldrazi. Does not appear there is anything aggressive happening here - perhaps our Angel just popped over to have a cup of herbal tea with it. Something is rather odd however - our angel's staff - it is the same shape that now glows on the Eldrazi's noggin (?). Perhaps it is under a spell, perhaps we can expect a Rise of the Eldrazi card with protection against Eldrazi, and perhaps the Toronto Blue Jays may win a ball game before we we take a dirt nap . . .

Anywhoos - stay tuned, that's it for today, but we're sure to have more Rise of the Eldrazi spoilers, previews, and crazy-donkey speculation very soon.


  1. Too me, the art with the angel in it reminds me of Slave of Bolas or Mark of Mutiny. Seems like the angel has control or some kind of influence on the Eldrazi. My guess is that this will be some kind of enchantment or aura. It would be sweet if this was a reprint of Pacifism.

  2. ware is the new angels halo? is it on his staff?

  3. Ha! I bet that's finally Emeria and that she may have had a mind-control deal going with the other angels! It'd make sense of their misplaced 'halos'. Perhaps they were her eyes while she was gone...

  4. Ha! I bet that's finally Emeria and that she may have had a mind-control deal going with the other angels! It'd make sense of their misplaced 'halos'. Perhaps they were her eyes while she was gone...
