

Worldwake Pre-Orders Delivered!

Hey there MTG fans,

Not too much happening in the way of Magic the Gathering news. We have been running a series on casual deck ideas - these are decks which use at least 50% fresh mix from Zendikar and Worldwake. Stay tuned for more of these coming up - we are not even close to getting through some of the fun builds one can have.

For today however, we have some nice news to report - We finally got our Worldwake pre-order ! Yep - a truckload of new Worldwake card goodness was waiting in our mailbox yesterday. We usually get our singles from a very well known on-line retailer in Florida (CoolStuff Inc.) and it typically takes just under two weeks (8 to 10 business days) to get to our sorry frozen a$$ here near the north pole.

Anywhoos - out of all the cards we had pre-ordered, our most anticipated order was not a card at all - it was a playmat. We are rather deprived and have never owned a playmat. As we sometimes take our cards to unsavoury places to play, we felt we would be better served to disinfect a playmat instead of 60 individual cards.

Righto - the playmat - we have a thing for the new Worldwake Admonition Angel (perhaps not the most epic card in this set, but the card is decent enough and we loves 'em that sweet art by Steve Argyle.

Sooo - we ordered that deal which they (the retailer) sends along 10 very random rares along with the playmat. We did not have very high expectations for the random rares but really did not care very much as we felt the playmat was just about worth it on it's own. Here's what we got . . .

Randoms with approximate cost : Lord of Tresserhorn ($1.50), Junkyo Bell ($0.50), Soulblast ($0.50), 2 x Hikari, Twilight Guardian ($0.50), 2 x Vassal's Duty ($0.50), Relentless Assault ($0.50), Spellweaver Volute ($0.50), Akuta, Born of Ash ($0.50) . . . We'll be sticking these in our bicycle spokes when the snow melts and the glacier recedes out of the mall parking lot.

We will start showing some real cardboard mtg casual standard builds with fresh Zendikar / Worldwake and report back to you guys how well they fared.


In other news ->

This Rise of the Eldrazi Booster Box description had been let out of the bag for a week or two now . . . .

In their quest to uncover ancient treasures, Planeswalkers have awakened the Eldrazi - parasite titans of the aether, imprisoned on Zendikar for thousands of years. Seemingly unstoppable, these world eaters threaten all of the Multiverse and their very presence has changed everything you know about Zendikar. To survive, you'll have to be at the very top of your game. Rise of the Eldrazi is set 3 of of 3 in the Zendikar Block.

Whoaz. That's heavy man. Dark and choatic times are ahead for the denizens on the plane of Zendikar. And you just know that these uncouth Eldrazi will be tracking icky aether all through the kitchen . . . erggh.

"Hey guys - what are you doing?!"
"Saving the universe mom . . . from the Eldrazi"
"Again? - OK, have fun. Don't forget to let the cat back in."

Yep - pretty much win from where we're sitting - stay tuned to MTG Realm for more nonsensical and witless posts.

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