

Worldwake Pre-Release 1

And we're back from the Toronto Regional Worldwake Pre-Release.

We had a BLAST ! Many thanks to SkyFox Games for inviting us to check out this great Magic the Gathering Tournament - Hundreds of Players cracking Worldwake packs, Guest Artist RK Post, Gunslinger John Wasson, friendly opponents and a helpful Judging staff.

Both very decent fellows !

Most every players we talked to love the new set. We did however hear the occasional complaint from some who had unluckily pull a load of chaff cards from their packs. We however could not complain - we pulled some very decent cards including a FOIL Omnath, Locus of Mana . . . OmNomNomNom ! Of course we had to play green - actually a neopolitan of Green, Blue and splashing White : Since sealed is not our forte, we lost more than we won but yeah - we had big time fun.

If you are a casual player like us, we suggest you head on out to a large regional pre-release to take in the sights 'n' sounds.

Here are some pics we snapped during the day.

Let's do some media overload - how about some videos to boot as well -

And perhaps just one more video - a bit more casual . . .


Please stay tuned for some more posts about this PreRelase