

Worldwake Spoiler 12-22

Good Day Peeps,
Not much happening for Magic the Gathering Worldwake spoilers at the moment but we do have some Worldwake art for you to preview, so sit back and enjoy. Official previews will begin at Wizards on 1/18/2009, with prereleases and release events / parties on 1/30/2009 and 2/05/2009 respectively.

Remember that excellent 'n' awesome Planechase spoiler Wizards ran last week (post HERE) ? Well here is some artwork with Jace the Mindsculptor with a bit of background - very obviously a Zendikar landscape.

In addition to this, we have two other interesting Worldwake art pieces for you - The one of the left is unmistakeably a vampire while the one on the right certainly looks very demon-like to us.

There is also another interesting image Wizards had used as a water-mark for their Worldwake Pre-Order Sheet. We would love to think that this Angel is the new 'n' awesome Worldwake Admonition Angel.

And finally, one thing we look very forward to is getting to the game store and getting some dueling going with new intropacks. Here is the skinny as to the theme of the new Worldwake IntroPacks (sorry about the image quality).
Click on image to enlarge.
If you wanted to download this document in pdf format, head on over to Scribd, where we keep most of our MTG docs.

Stay tuned for more MTG news, spoilers and opinions over your Christmas Holidays.
Remember, all images are copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast LLC.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not really a fan of the art in this set. Maybe it will get better in other spoilers.
