

MTG Christmas Cards

You guys have approximately two weeks before the plump elf slides down your chimney flu, eats your leftover chicken wings, drinks all your Old No. 7 and leaves a mess of presents under that stick you refer to as the Christmas tree. Given this short timeline, we suggest you promptly get thee to a dollar store, purchase those cheesy Holiday Greetings Cards (you know the weird Catmas ones), and fire 'em off in the mail to all your relatives and friends (if you have any).

If you are looking for a Christmas Card for that Magic the Gathering friend, check out today's Magic Arcana. Wizards, or more specifically, DCI, has been making short limited print runs of rather witty / waggish cards released at this special time of year. We're fairly certain that these are provided to only WoTC employees but if you take a dip into the Magic singles market, these puppies go for around $50 or so.

This year's Holiday card was revealed in the December MTG newsletter which should have showed up in your InBox Wednesday this week if you signed up for it. This year, the card is Season's Beatings, and it certainly captures the spirit of Christmas, that is, if you are a Goblin.

Anywhoos - make sure you visit the Arcana to download these wallpapers to make your desktop a bit more festive . . .

Season's Beatings, Christmas 2009

Evil Presents, Christmas 2008

Gifts Given, Christmas 2007

Fruitcake Elemental 2006

Finally, what do we, your humble bloggers, desire for Christmas - MOAR Worldwake Spoilers pleeeze !

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