

Halloween MTG

Planetary alignment, mysterious omens, pagan calendars, and Wizards / DCI scheduling have all resulted in Zendikar Game Day landing on October 31st . . . yes - Halloween. Of course you are going to get out to the game store, have a blast and pick up the Game Day promos (Nissa's Chosen and possibly Emeria Angel) - but 'How' are going to do it ? In style of course.

We suggest you get a jump on Halloween and head out to the gamery store in your costume ready for that Halloween party you are going to latter that evening. This year, we will highly recommend that you forget about your traditional costumes and jump into a Snuggie - not only are they very scary / creepy but also a dump-truck load of fun.

We've been seeing a helluva lot of pub-crawls with sloshed college students comfortably attired in Snuggies - We think that should you get your paws on one now, you would be able to dye it your fav Magic the Gathering colour in time for the Zendikar Game Day / Halloween party.


Still on our Halloween theme, here is a quick summary of most excellent Magic the Gathering decktop wallpapers you may consider for freshing up you stale workstation . . .

Linkys from Wizards for these : here, here, and here.

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