

Zendikar Intro Pack B & U/G

~ We hope to provide contents and some details on all Zendikar Intro Packs this week but will break it up a bit. Today we will cover off the Mono-Black and the Blue-Green Intro Packs. Four our previous post on the Green-Red and the Red-Blue Intro Packs, click HERE. We hope to have an additional post of the Mono-White one including a video in our last installment. Don't forget that each intro pack contains a learn-to-play guide, a Zendikar flavour guide AND one Zendikar Booster Pack.


'Rise of the Vampires' mono-black Zendikar Intro Pack contains 41 cards which contain, like the name suggests, a very strong vampire creature theme. Some bonus abilities are provided when your opponent's life drops to 10 or less. There are some great cards in here that will wittle your opponent's life down and gain you life. Tweak this deck with supporting vampire cards from the Magic 2010 core set.
* - indicates a reprint from Magic 2010 or another set

Creatures - 15
2 x Acolyte of Xathrid*,
, Common
2 x Guul Draz Vampire,
, Common
2 x Child of Night*, 1
, Common
1 x Gatekeeper of Malakir, , Uncommon
1 x Mindless Null, 2
, Common
2 x Vampire Aristocrat*, 2
, Common
2 x Vampire Nighthawk, 1
, Uncommon
1 x Heartstabber Mosquito, 3
, Common
1 x Zombie Goliath*, 4
, Common
1 x Malakir Bloodwitch, 3
, Rare

Other Spells - 8
2 x Vampire's Bite, , Common
2 x Feast of Blood, 1
, Uncommon
1 x Hideous End, 1
, Common
1 x Diabolic Tutor*, 2
, Uncommon
1 x Rise from the Grave*, 4
, Uncommon
1 x Blood Tribute, 4
, Rare

Lands - 18
16 Swamp
2 Piranha Marsh


'Unstable Terrain' Blue-Green Zendikar Intro Pack contains 41 cards which feature the new kick-butt landfall mechanic. The landfall mechanics in this deck will pump up your creatures, give life-gain, provide trample or gain control of an opponent's creature. There are also several cards included which will be able to synergize with the landfall mechanic that will either allow you to get wither let you find or get additional lands into play. There are a lot of very excellent Zendikar cards available like Rampaging Baloths or Oracle of Mul Daya that you can use to upgrade this deck.
* - indicates a reprint from Magic 2010 or another set

Creatures - 15
1 x Coral Merfolk*, 1
, Common
2 x Sage Owl*, 1
, Common
1 x Frontier Guide, 1
, Uncommon
1 x Gomazoa, 2
, Uncommon
1 x Merfolk Wayfinder, 2
, Uncommon
1 x Grazing Gladehart, 2
, Common
1 x Turntimber Basilisk, 1
, Uncommon
2 x Windrider Eel, 3, Common
1 x Living Tsunami, 2
, Uncommon
1 x Sphinx of Jwar Isle, 4
, Rare
1 x Baloth Woodcrasher, 4
, Uncommon
1 x Roil Elemental, 3
, Rare

Other Spells - 8
1 x Unsummon*,
, Common
1 x Giant Growth*,
, Common
2 x Ior Ruin Expedition, 1
, Common
2 x Paralyzing Grasp, 2
, Common
1 x Harrow*, 2
, Common
1 x Mind Control*, 3
, Uncommon

Lands - 18
10 Island
7 Forest
1 Terramorphic Expanse*

Stay tuned for our final Zendikar Intro Pack decklist for white including a video.

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