

What Happend to - ?

What ever happened to . . . the Hurloon Minotaur ?

Perhaps I should start at the . . erm, . start.

Anywhoos - A very long time ago (around 1999), Wizards of the Coast had a chain of retail gaming stores. In a strange and far away place (Seattle), they had their flagship store on 'the Ave' and enjoyed brisk business. In the dark dungeon of this store, was a place of wonder and magic called 'Ye Olde Gaming Hall'. In fact, you may even recall last April on the Wizards site, a picture showing the stairs down to this place.

Wizards closed all of its stores by the spring of 2004 in "concentrate on game design". Some think that this was directly attributed to the new owners of Wizards of the Coast - the dark and evil corporate entity called Hasbro who were greedy for more gold that the retail stores could provide - not too unlike the Dwarves of Moria, who dug ever deeper for mithril. Whatever - Perhaps a wise move - but why close all of them - players need a Mecca - a physical place where they may visit and revel unabashedly in their geekery.

- Anyway - I digress . . .

This brings us to the our subject - the iconic Hurloon Minotaur above the stairs. What happend to the Hurloon Minotaur ?

Legend has it that when the store closed, contractors responsible to decommision this holiest of MTG retail outlets had pried the minotaur off the wall in chunks and dumped them onto the curb outside, where they awaited an uncertain fate.

All is now revealed and the truth lays hidden in the back garden of Steve's Weird House. Steve is the owner / occupant of Seattle's Strangest Home & Private Museum. How the fabled Hurloon Minotaur (or the other million curiosities for that matter) came into the possession of Steve is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Check the VR images for the Hurloon Minotaur from the old WOTC store in Seattle.

w0w . . . Just awesomeness !

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