

Grand Prix Seattle

Magic: the Gathering held this weekend's Grand Prix in it's own backyard at GP Seattle/Tacoma. Yann Massicard from Tours, France was crowed champion and took home $3,500. Ben Lundquist from Gloversville, NY, Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa from Porto Alegre, Brazil and Charles Gendron Dupont from Seattle, WA rounded out the top four, each taking home their own cash prize. The top 16 GP Seattle finalists earned invitations to compete at Pro Tour Honolulu, June 5-7.

Yann Massicard, GP Seatlle Tacoma winner was on 'fire' (thanks Chandra) this weekend.
(Thanks to JS and Porter Novelli for the image !)

It was somewhat ironic that this tournament was not only hosted by Cascade Games, it was the mechanic of choice for many of the over 1,100 participants. Although players were throwing down Bitominous Blast, Bloodbraid Elf, or Captured Sunlight, at the end of day two, the 'battlefield' belonged to Yann Massicard who piloted a Doran build.

Here is a potential mitt-full I just pulled from Yann's deck with the 'Sample Hand Generator' . . . total win in my humble opinion.

Competing for a coveted seat at top 8 was not the only experience to have at the Grand Prix. With loads of side-events, gunslinging, and meeting MTG artists, one's day would be rather busy. Our good friends and fellow bloggers Reinhart and Leaf of Gathering Magic had an opportunity to interview Mike Turian, pro-player and WoTC developer. Check out their interview and event wrap-up HERE. They were kind enough to provide some pics too - ->

Here is the skinny for the top 8 . . .

Luis Scott-Vargas vs. Yann Massicard (2-1)
Charles Gendron Dupont (2-1) vs. Nicolay Potovin
Paulo Vitor da Rosa (2-1) vs. Ari Lax
Benjamin Lundquist (2-1) vs. Michael Jacob

Yann Massicard (2-1) vs. Charles Gendron Dupont
Benjamin Lundquist (2-0) vs. Paulo Vitor da Rosa

Yann Massicard (2-1) vs. Benjamin Lundquist

Yann Massicard, a 22 year-old student from Tours, France played Doran and won over Ben Lundquist (another 22 year-old student) from Gloversville, NY, who was playing Faeries.

Yann Massicard - Doran Decklist (60 cards)
21 lands : 2 Brushland, 3 Forest, 4 Llanowar Wastes, 4 Murmuring Bosk, 1 Plains, 3 Treetop Village, 4 Wooded Bastion
29 creatures : 3 Dauntless Escort, 4 Doran, the Siege Tower, 3 Gaddock Teeg, 4 Knotvine Paladin, 4 Noble Hierarch, 3 Qasali Pridemage, 4 Treefolk Harbinger, 4 Wilt-Leaf Liege
10 other spells : 1 Behemoth Sledge, 4 Maelstrom Pulse, 1 Nameless Inversion, 4 Path to Exile

Check out the vital stats, profiles, and gameplay at the Wizards site HERE.


  1. It was really fun getting to talk to all of the people you read about online. Definitely worth the trip even if you have to travel. There were 1127 players there and probably 500 more that were selling trading and just hanging out. It was insane.

  2. What is funny about that deck is that I was just thinking about something similar on my way into work today. I'll have to go back and look at the other top decks at that event but it seems like Gaddock Teeg is the way to beat the new Swans.

  3. Well, personally i think that swans wont find anymore play after GP seattle. and yeah GP was much better than the (what seemed like) five hour wait at PTQ seattle. Turbofog and swans prolly wont see much play after this with all the maelstrom pulse's, gaddock teege's, around and the return of fairies.
