

Bragster Magic

Just a note about the last post . . . specifically something interesting about Dragon Whelp. This card was spoiled by Wizards via Bragster. If you haven't heard about Bragster, please don't feel left out - I hadn't either until just earlier this week.

Bragster is an online social webpage to dare your friends, record a challenge, upload evidence and brag about 'it' (whatever 'it' was) forever. Think of Bragster kind of like what would happen if Facebook meets Jacka$$ on eHarmony.

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Anywho, it appears that Wizards of the Coast is really exploring every online social media outlet. They had teamed up with Bragster to celebrate the release of their 2010 Core Set and upcoming Grand Prix event in Brighton, UK - in addition to witnessing the crazy a$$ dares that MTG players could dream up . . . . sounds lame but I don't mind at all really.

Here's why - - -

A few days ago, Wizards posted three 'dares' on Bragster -
* "I dare everyone to Leave a sticker or stencil the planeswalker symbol somewhere in public",
* "I dare everyone to Learn to play Magic, or teach a friend", and
* "I dare everyone to Show us how YOU rule with Magic: the Gathering!"

In response, Bragster user dragonangyle dared Wizards to spoil a Magic 2010 card exclusive to Bragster members only. Well he got his wish and subsequently, we got Dragon Whelp . . . Thanks !

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Why would you want to join fellow MTG players in the Bragster pool . . . ?
Apparently some very good reasons - they will be giving away "loads of cool prizes, including a netbook computer, iPod, Xbox 360". The huge awesome win - "a grand prize of a trip for you and a friend to the Magic World Championships in Rome, Italy this November!". Sign me up right now.

MTG Realm rose to the stencil / sticker challenge and tagged the former Popemobile on display at museum.


Here's how it works :

Getting started with Magic on bragster:

1. Step 1 - If you're not already a bragster user, sign up

2. Step 2 - Send an email to with your name, address, and bragster username, so we can send you a pack of goodies to get you going. This will include 2 starter decks, playmat, and instructions so you and a friend can learn to play, and planeswalker symbol stickers and stencils to enter this dare

3. Step 3 - Get entering the open dares and win yourself some awesome prizes!

Prize details:

Grand prize
- The best entry across all 5 dares, as chosen by the Magic team, will win a trip for 2 to the Magic world championships in Rome this November. Package includes hotel accomodation, flight(s) (for both of you if you live in Europe, just you if you live further afield), vouchers for free side events, and a Kodak Zx1 HD video camera, so you can make a record of your trip to post on bragster when you get back!

Individual dare winner prizes

- The winners of the 5 dares will receive prizes for each as follows:

* Show us how you rule - your choice of either an Acer Aspire netbook computer, OR a foil, rare uncut sheet of M10.
* Learn to play - an Xbox 360 console.
* Planeswalker symbol - an iPod Nano, customised by a Magic: the Gathering fantasy artist.
* wait and see!
* wait and see!

Participation prizes
- For all the other great entries to the 5 dares, we'll be giving away a whole host of other prizes including Magic skateboards, "Here I Rule" satchels, M10 product, Magic card portfolios, and more!


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