

Dragon's Egg Review

Happy Friday everyone.
It's also MOVIE TIME !

Typically yours truly would be hard at work at the moment but I am currently at my secret MTG lair at home. This is due to a very unfortunate loss of power at work. This coupled with a HUGE dumping of snow with one heck of a blizzard has afforded me some time to blog while the city digs out.

This post is to pump the Dragon's Egg MTG deck storage solution by Power9Pro who I am very grateful to have as a sponsor here at MTG Realm (you've probably seen the banner at the top of the page). Anywho, that being said, I did tell Power9Pro that I would not pull any punches in my product review and would deliver a truthful summary of my evaluation.

The truth is, I cannot find any criticism at all with the Dragon's Egg and I would not be able to suggest any improvements to the product . . . it is just about as perfect as it can get to safely transport your MTG decks to the tournament or to Friday Night Magic. Speaking of FNM, I took the Dragon's Egg to the gammery club on Friday and the product did get some very good attention there from other players. The event organizer / store owner indicated that he intends to carry it as well.

Anywho, I put together 3 short videos for your entertainment today. Said videos are our review of the very cool Dragon's Egg product put into a somewhat humourous light . . . Enjoy !
(Please comment as to which one you may think was better)

Dragon's Egg Handy

Dragon's Egg Packed

Dragon's Egg Real Tough

1 comment:

  1. hilarious videos. i don't know if i like the "chuck noris" video or the progenitus one better. both are freaking hilarious. the other is just a good video showing the "carrying capacity" so it's not right to compare it to the others (very different approach/goal). well done though. :)
