

MTG iGoogle

In case you have been under a rock for the last decade, I want to tell you about this internet thing. Well, there are countless pages of all sorts of things which can be delivered to your desktop in a click - finding these pages is the job of Google (the greatest internet search engine evaar !).

Anywho, I love to personalise my Google home page . . . this is called iGoogle. Currently I had it Steam-Punked but tonight I will be installing some very kewl themes. In addition to having a kewl theme, why not add news, photos, weather, and stuff (namely an rss feed from Wizards of the Coast) from across the web to your page.

Right - - back on track now . . . Wizards of the Coast is delving into the realm of iGoogle with its exclusive art themes developed by Travis Barker. So, if you use iGoogle, choose your Planeswalker now!

Hundreds of users have already declared sides, who’s will you choose?





You can check these out these cool themes HERE.

Enjoy !

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