

Casual Magic

~ Right . . . turn the weird-o-meter waaay up. This post promises to bake your noodle - - it is a blog post about a blog ! (wrap your noggin around that). More specifically, the post is about our blogging buddy Norm over at Casual Magic.

We asked Norm a variety of very high-brow journalistic questions such as how he first got into Magic the Gathering, why he started his MTG blog, some other passions he may have outside of Magic, his pet-peeves, future plans, and of course the very important 'boxers or briefs' decision. Here is what he had to say (after his lawyer and agent had vetted the responses).
When did you first start playing Magic : The Gathering ?

I started playing with my two roommates in 2006 when they realized I didn't know how to play. My first game was with a mono green deck that was probably about 80 cards. My roommates didn't remember the rules very well and most of my first games were kind of frustrating because of it. I decided that I needed to read the complete comprehensive rule book to better understand the game (don't ask my why I thought it was a good idea, but I did read most of it). It gave me a pretty good understanding of the game but without actual application my knowledge was only half complete. Fast forward to my first official DCI event, the ColdSnap prerelease. I currently consider myself a decent limited player, but wow did my first deck suck. I went with my roommate and we both made flight 1 and went 1-x. We dropped and joined a two-headed giant flight with four total teams. We took second and it was the most amazing day. Lets just say I was hooked on magic.

What made you interested in starting a MTG Blog ?

I've been involved with an event, PodCamp Pittsburgh, for a few years, also 2006 coincidently. PodCamp is a new media event that focus on brining together podcasters, bloggers and other new media types. I stated my own blog in 07 that is primarily for family and friends. I wanted to start a blog that was a little more niche oriented so why not about magic. Honestly I was really nervous about starting a magic blog. There are a lot of magic players online and I didn't want to pretend like I knew it all. Also, I didn't have very much of a presence at any of my local stores and I didn't know many people who played. Sometimes I get really busy with my job and social life so I can't always make regular events. At the time I started Casual Magic I was kind of an odd on and off guy at my local shop (it was cool when some of the guys came up to me and told me they found the blog). The real reason I started Casual Magic is because I wanted a place to think more about the game especially when I was busy with the rest of my life. I'm a mac guy so MTGO was kind of out of the question.

When was your first post on your Casual Magic Blog ?

In February 2008. Yep I'm approaching one year! My first month I had just barely over 50 hits. Mostly from friends. Now, I've had more than 20,000 in a good month, usually a spoiler season. I didn't really have a plan for the whole site. I've often said Casual Magic is an experiment, and it still is at times. I love getting feedback from readers and words of encouragement. It is really cool when I meet more people online especially people who I really respect in the Magic world, like Mike Flores (still hoping to meet him IRL).

What are your future Gaming / Blogging goals ?

I think that is an interesting question. I would love to commit to more competitive play. I hope that someday I have the time to commit to playing enough sanctioned events to really be competitive. I also would like to have more of a gamers circle around me. As I've mentioned above there aren't a lot of people around me who play regularly so a casual group who is willing to try different formats would be great.

I don't have a specific blogging goal. Other than to provide interesting content of course. One thing that would be pretty cool would be to receive an official prerelease card. I've also toyed with the idea of moving the blog to my own domain and getting some sort of advertising dollars from it. I don't think I'm there yet, but maybe one day. is owned by some lame magician so I'll have to make him an offer he can't refuse for that domain.

Right - We have the basic sketch of Norm - please colour it in for us.

Boxers all the way. I'm rooting for the Steelers in the super bowl because, duh, I'm in Pittsburgh. Other than playing magic I've been brewing beer recently. I made a killer IPA last month, delicious. And I hate those new "Geico, money you could be saving" commercials.

Norm is a fellow Magic : The Gathering Blogger residing in Pittsburgh and who, like MTG-Realm has been at it for a one full year.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the interview. They say you've never made it until you've been published... oh wait that is another industry. Well its been a pleasure blogging and I'm glad to have the opportunity to make make friends with all the other MTG bloggers on the net, especially here at MTG Realm. It is a growing community.

    I'll have to return the favor as you have an interesting twist in the MTG Realm history, that used to start with Lorwyn.
