

FNM Holiday Promo Card

I am sure that you may just received this eMail yesterday from the WoTC yesterday from the DCIAutoEmailer, but we thought we should post in case you decided not to get propaganda fro Wizards.

Free promo Hyppies !
Play Friday Night Magic Get a Promo Card

Forge your destiny! Play Shards of Alara in at least two FNM tournaments between November 14th and December 12th, 2008 and receive one Hypnotic Specter promo card in your next MPR mailing!

Magic Player Rewards is a free program that rewards DCI members for their participation in sanctioned Magic: The Gathering tournaments with never-before-seen textless spells.

All registered MPR members, with up-to-date mailing information on file, are welcome to participate. FNM results will be reported to the DCI by all Tournament Organizers on or before December 18, 2008.

To learn more about MPR, register, or update your contact information, please click HERE.


Also, another announcement from corporate world for fans of
HeroClix (and other games).

The Topps Company announced today that WizKids will immediately cease operations and discontinue its product lines.
Scott Silverstein, CEO of Topps, said “This was an extremely difficult decision. While the company will still actively pursue gaming initiatives, we feel it is necessary to align our efforts more closely with Topps current sports and entertainment offerings which are being developed within our New York office.”

Upon notifying our partners, Topps will immediately pursue strategic alternatives so that viable brands and properties, including HeroClix, can continue without noticeable disruption. To that end, WizKids will continue supporting Buy it By the Brick redemptions for Arkham Asylum, and the December Organized Play events for HeroClix.
Anywho, my theory . . . I think that corporate bean-counters already knew that they were going to splash WizKids when they took over in 2003. I think Jordan Weisman will not be sending Arthur Shorin a Christmas card this year.

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